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let's get you up and ready.


download the
Nexus X app

to get started, search for "Nexus X" in your device's app store (such as Apple App Store or Google Play Store). Install the app on your device to begin.

sign-up for
an account

upon opening the app, you have the option to sign up for an account directly through our app. Alternatively, you can choose to sign up using your Google, Apple, Telegram, or WeChat accounts as alternative methods.

enter your
personal info

enter your particulars, including your nationality and language preference. Additionally, you will need to verify your phone number. Congratulations!
you have successfully created an account with Nexus X.

just a few more steps
before your start trading

To ensure a secure and reliable trading experience, we have implemented a few key verification factors. These verifications are to protect your account and provide an added layer of security.

Phone Number

Essential to confirm your identity, establish direct communication, and ensure authorized access.


Confirms your unique identity and adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.


Even if someone were to obtain your login credentials, the 2FA code is still required.

trade p2p

users can buy or sell crypto directly between each other, resembling interactions on any messaging platform but with the added ability to trade crypto on the fly effortlessly.

Step 01
engage trade
Step 02
make transfer
Step 03
exchange complete